Monday 11 May 2009

Tooth Fairy

The wait is finally over. The wobbly tooth is now out, after days of tugging and pulling, wiggling and wobbling, my son's left side "incisor b" wriggled free over breakfast. It is wrapped carefully and delicately in a parcel of tissue, ready to be placed under the blue pillow with the cars and trucks on, ready for our magical, winged friend the Tooth Fairy to pay a visit. My son will be rich beyond belief when he finds a shiny golden pound coin in it's place in the morning!


  1. I remember those days well! Nice story

  2. My daughter just lost her second tooth. I put a golden dollar under her pillow for each tooth and the morning excitement makes my day!

    I just love that holey smile! Well, I guess I love that smile without holes too.

  3. Ah, the wonderful memories! I remeber when my mom used to do that for me. I was always dumbfounded that the toothfairy could place a whole dollar in my pillowcase while I was sleeping! :) My mom knew the coolest tooth fairy ever lol ;)P.S.Did some clickin on my way out. Also I just added a new post to my blog. Feel free to take a look!
    -Catch ya later
