Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Night Duty

Having just finished my night duty, I was considering how to put into words the experiences of the Twilight Zone in which I have been working.... I came across this poem by Babs Hurst and felt I couldn't possibly describe it any better and so just had to share it.........!!!

One Angel - No Wings By Babs Hurst©

I worked the graveyard shift last night
Oh my god, I saw some sights!
I had a constant stream of admissions
Mostly old, with chronic conditions
Gout and asthma, and a few heart pains

Even a sprinkling of varicose veins
People yelling and wetting their beds
Sending us nurses off our heads
Someone let out a ripping fart

Made me gasp … and clutch my heart
Then a snort, a grunt, a yelp
Those people really should get help!
That lady in the farthest bed

She was so pale I thought she was dead
Her pallor was just a trick of light
My god!! she sure gave me a fright
I worked my butt off, as per usual

Charts, charts, charts for my perusal
B/P's were done - standing and lying
I weighed them all and felt like crying
I wiped up shit and dished out pans

Then rubbed some butts with my caring hands
I did the obs, the whole damn lot
Gave morning meds then cleaned the grot
So there I was earning my crust

Even though I cursed and cussed!
I am an Angel dressed in white
Walking the ward in the midst of night


  1. Oh the woe's of a nurse. Under paid, under valued, and over worked. So here's to you, the butt rubbing, crap cleaning, fart smelling, checker for signs of life'r, tear wiping angel in white. The night nurse. Thank you for all you do :)

  2. I worked for a couple of years at a nursing home. Thank you for the post
