Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Mrs Carrotlegs

Meet Mrs. Carrotlegs.

Unique individual, one of a kind, not your off the peg type.
Its amazing what you can do with a deformed vegetable. It was a strange and coincidental moment that occurred whilst I was peeling the carrots for lunch one Sunday. I was mulling over some of the less than pleasant experiences I had recently encountered courtesy of a certain individual. This led me to thinking about voodoo. All of a sudden a pair of orange legs appeared on the chopping board. What luck. I had the components of the perfect voodoo doll in front of me.

Ten minutes, and a few bits and bobs later, a complete figure was assembled! I went in search of pins. By the time I came back I just didnt have the heart to go through with it. What if something bad really happened!? I looked at the"doll" and laughed, and so Mrs Carrotlegs was born and my therapy was complete!


  1. Oh....MY....GooNNess. That is something I would do.

  2. Mrs Carrotlegs is pretty funny! Thanks for visiting my blog - I grew up in Cardiff before I went to college and then flew across the pond!

  3. lol, interesting idea, vodoo via veggies :)

  4. "Yes" Its all clear now, you should revise that bit "about me" you say your a Mental nurse??, and you live a bit close to me for my comfort!
