Wednesday 29 April 2009

The Family

Having got the neuroses out of the way, this blog will most likely reflect my family life and all other things that may deem to crop up in the life of the 39 +2 female. So probably anything and everything. Work, play, funny stuff, not so funny stuff, rants, general self help, jokes and nits.

At the head of the household is Bonnie, pictured above. Self appointed leader of the clan. Next there is my husband, Alan, or as a one time water ski instructor called him a-L-A-N! something to do with staying out of the sea. Following the pecking order comes my almost teenager Jenny whose favourite line goes something like this: "Take a chill pill, mum". The youngest member of the family, at age 7 is Christopher, aka "The Pod". Nicknamed so after that film, "The day of the Triffids", in which people were deprived of sleep by pods, in much the same way that we were in 2002. Beneath the ironing that is produced by that lot is where I come in. I'm Bev, masquerading as Slimceagirl. For some reason the 1970's TV advert for a certain brand of slimming bread has become the inspiration for my internet alias over the past few years. Every now and then the song from that commercial pops into my head. Weird.

Anyway. Welcome to my world.......

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog! I shall return the favor and follow you, which will put a link to your blog on mine :) I love the dog stuff...too cute. I also am a plus age...29 forever (but really 29+2). Happy blogging!
